Friday, October 06, 2006

time to get moving...Gateway Consultation Wednesday 11 Sep 06

I think I've made my feelings pretty clear when it comes to traffic, gridlock and the proposed Gateway Program. As someone who drives the Number 1 and creeps up to the Port Mann with some regularity, I think improvements are way past due. But whether you commute or not, Gateway is important to Vancouver-Hastings residents and therefore it is important that we all understand the truth about the project.

Current estimates put the population of the Greater Vancouver area at just over 2 million, this is set to increase to 3 million by 2031. In order to get these people moving, in a city with a less than perfect transit system we are increasing the number of cars purchased each year by about 20 000. The result is a 30% increase in commute times over the past decade. What is your time worth to you?

Our BC Government is taking some desperately needed steps to correct a transportation infrastructure that really hasn't been touched since the 1980's. Despite what you may hear, increased capacity on roads and bridges is critical to allow an increase in buses, light rail and other transportation alternatives. You can't have one without the other! Further, increased capacity on roads leading into Vancouver will not mean increased traffic in Vancouver-Hastings since studies show that growth in Vancouver residents working outside of the city exceeds suburban residents working in the city by 9 to 1. Gateway is going to help many of us Vancouver-Hastings residents get to our jobs (outside of the city) and home again quicker and more safely.

The Gateway program is a long overdue initiative that will allow our critical infrastructure to meet current requirements and future growth in transportation alternatives. It is also critical to moving goods quickly throughout the lower mainland, the province and the country, but perhaps most importantly it will allow us to get home to our families more quickly, spending our time where it is needed most.

Be a part of this exciting project. Come out to learn more and support our government, the Ministry of Transportation and the Gateway Program this Wednesday Oct 11 between 6 and 9 pm at the Italian Cultural Center (2610 S Grandview Highway). If you can't make it on Wednesday, be sure to complete the online feedback form available at

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