Friday, October 06, 2006

Don't miss this Opportunity to make your voice heard!!!

Its now been a week since the Premier launched the BC governments "Conversation on Health" and during this past week I've heard surprisingly little positive feedback (in the media at least) about a program that will allow all British Columbians, from all corners of the province and from all points of the political spectrum, the opportunity to contribute towards the solution to a very real problem. A problem that, left alone will likely end up consuming 70% of every tax dollar in the province by 2017.

I can understand how some people may be skeptical. British Columbians may not be used to a government willing to listen to their concerns. We like our government where it belongs, tucked away in Victoria out of sight out of mind. By keeping them there "we" are always able to stay one step ahead of them. Because "we" are out here "we" know what the real problem with health care is and "we" can only assume that "they" also know the true nature of the problem (As announced by one reporter at the Premiers announcement and a Province reader in an Oct 3 letter).

Unlike the above mentioned reader, I am an idiot (I guess) because I don't know what the problem with health care is! But I'd like to find out. My exposure to the system is limited to the 3 or 4 emergency hospital visits that I've had to make due to my oldest son's asthma. Each time we were treated quickly and with the utmost care and so, based on my own experience I would have to say that the system is working fine! Isn't it?

Obviously my experience is hardly indicative of the system as a whole and that is exactly the point to the "Conversation on Health". To allow our government to get out into the community (literally and figuratively) to gain a sense of everyone's experience(s) and gather suggestions to ensure a sustainable system for us, our children and our grandchildren.

The problem, so far at least, with the critics is that while they are not afraid to tell us how much they hate the idea or that it will cost too much money, their criticisms (as usual) fall short on providing constructive solutions to the problem. For this reason I implore everyone who reads this to get involved. You have been given the chance to make a difference and if we truly care about our health care system, we will support our government by providing it with our honest concerns and constructive suggestions for change.

As Health Minister George Abbott has said "The challenges we face in health care today are not BC Liberal Challenges; they are not NDP challenges; they're challenges for all governments and all society". To get involved and make your voice(s) heard with respect to health care in British Columbia:

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