...the huck...
In my last blog I mentioned how a recent trip to Silver Star saw nearly everyone in our group overcome either a specific obstacle, or a component of riding in general that we were having trouble with. For me it was the "Huck", and I am so happy about licking this that I thought I'd share a few different "hucks" in this pictorial tribute.
While none of us are yet able to huck in the manner of say, Wade Simmons (we did have a lot of laughs at the expense of another "Simmons"), a few of us did manage some respectable air time and had a blast in the process. So here it is...the huck!
Sorry folks, I've got a lot more huck pictures to share but I believe that I've realized the limit to either blogger or my technical expertise. Doesn't want to post any more! Oh well, stay tuned 'cause next time we'll explore another exciting component of mountain biking...the skinny...
I'm very impressed!
I'm impressed
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